The Food Pantry at Our Lady of Sorrows

The OLS Food Pantry is a volunteer-led effort supported by the Parish. We currently serve 300-350 individuals/families twice a monthOn food distribution days, each family in need is provided with a full bag of non-perishable grocery items (listed below) as well as fresh milk and produce. This is intended to supplement their food supply and alleviate food insecurity. To keep our pantry shelves stocked, we rely on the Community Food Bank, MEND, Catholic Charities and food and monetary donations from many individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations in South Orange, Maplewood and beyond.

The OLS Food Pantry is a member of MEND (Meeting Emergency Needs with Dignity), a support network of 22 interfaith food pantries across Essex County.

Most Needed Items

If you would like to donate food for our pantry, please consider the following list of items most needed. PLEASE do not donate food in glass jars, expired food, XL sizes, or home-portioned food. Thank you!

    • Shelf-stable Milk (quart size)
    • Peanut Butter & Jelly (regular sizes)
    • Hot & Cold Cereals (no or low sugar)
    • Pasta & Sauce
    • Canned Tuna & Chicken
    • Rice (1 lb. bags, brown, yellow, white)
    • Canned Beans
    • Granola/Protein Bars and Individual Snacks

aily Drop Off Hours for Food Donations

Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 217 Prospect Street

    • Monday-Friday: 9:30-4:00 – 4th Street entrance (lower Church – buzz to be let in)
    • Saturday: 8:00-6:00 – Church front vestibule
    • Sunday: 8:00-12:00 – Church front vestibule

Please do not leave food at the Rectory.

Thank you for respecting these drop off times.

Monetary Donations

Checks payable to OLS Food Pantry mailed to the address above, or online at


Pantry Distribution Dates

Food is distributed in the lower church at Our Lady of Sorrows on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month (except as noted below).

Doors open at 8:00 am and close at 10:00 am. Patrons should arrive no later than 9:45 to ensure entry.

October 14 and 28
November 11 (only ONE distribution in November)
December 9 and 23

January 13 and 27
February 10 and 24
March 9 and 23
April 13 and 27
May 11 and 25
June 8 and 22


Please email: or call: (973) 370-0458.