Mass Intentions

Offering Mass for a specific intention is a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church. One must never forget the infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass. Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical “Mirae caritatis” (1902) beautifully elaborated this point and emphasized the connection between the communion of saints with the Mass: “The grace of mutual love among the living, strengthened and increased by the sacrament of the Eucharist, flows, especially by virtue of the Sacrifice [of the Mass], to all who belong to the communion of saints.” 

Masses are offered for many reasons: for the repose of the soul of someone who has died; in thanksgiving to God for a grace received; and for the special intention of another person(s).

If you would like to have a Mass offered at Our Lady of Sorrows, there are 3 ways you can make your request known:

1. Complete this Google form.

2. Click here and print out a form to fill out and then return that form to the parish office or place it in the Sunday collection basket.

3. Come to our parish office (between the hours of Monday-Thursday, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm). Our parish receptionist or secretary will help you with the dates and times which are available.

The name of the person or special intention to be prayed for is mentioned in the Prayers of the Faithful at that Mass.

The donation for Masses is $10 for each one. If you require a Mass card, we will mail it to you (please check the box on the form if you wish to have a Mass card).

After you make your request, we will call you if the selected date/time is not available.