Click here to see our Case Statement regarding the projects being funded, including:
- A/C Replacement
- Church Roof Repairs
- Parking Lot Milling and Sealing
- Replace and Repair the Nursery Roof and Windows
- Plaster Repair
- Sister’s House Repairs
- New Confessional
- New Gift Shop
- New Windows for Sacristy and Choir Room
- Future Repair and Maintenance Fund
- Renovation of Women’s Restroom
We also discuss:
- Our Family of Faith Looks To The Future
- Tax Advantages Through Additional Methods of Support
OLS has a long and glorious history of serving the community. Watch a brief look at our past accomplishments and future direction.

The current OLS church was built during the depths of the depression at significant cost to the parishioners of that time. Today’s replacement cost is prohibitive but proper maintenance and repair now should put us on path to enjoy our magnificent church for the next 100 years and pass on to future parishioners. Click here to make your commitment.
Contribute Now to the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign by Clicking Here